138 - Maud Martha

138 - Maud Martha

Hello, this is our first episode of the year! January's prompt for The Bookstore Challenge 2023 is to read a book from a year ending in 3. Corinne's pick is Maud Martha by Gwendolyn Brooks, published in 1953. It's out of print in the US but you can still buy in the UK, and you should! Bernardine Evaristo says it's wonderful and do you need a better endorsement than that?

If you want to read along with The Bookstore Challenge 2023, you can find Instagram graphics for your story or grid in this Google Drive folder. You can also join us on The StoryGraph, The Bookstore Challenge 2023.

Next time we will be discussing The Charioteer by Mary Renault. You can find it at your local bookstore or library (it's on Hoopla) and read along with us.

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139 - The Charioteer

139 - The Charioteer

2022 Year in Review