140 - True Grit

140 - True Grit

For February's prompt to Read a Western or Pulp Fiction/Noir, Becca's pick is True Grit by Charles Portis. The novel was a bestseller immediately upon publishing in 1968, and has been adapted twice into movies. We loved this entertaining, funny, action-packed story that is essentially just about a girl bent on revenge. 

Next time we'll be reading Corinne's pick, a noir/pulp fiction novel titled In a Lonely Place by Dorothy B. Hughes. You can find it at your local library or bookstore and read along with us!

If you want to read along with The Bookstore Challenge 2023, you can find Instagram graphics for your story or grid in this Google Drive folder. You can also join us on The StoryGraph, The Bookstore Challenge 2023.

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141 - In A Lonely Place

141 - In A Lonely Place

139 - The Charioteer

139 - The Charioteer