Episode 39 - The Wedding

Episode 39 - The Wedding

This week we read The Wedding by Dorothy West, Becca pronounces "chagrin" wrong, and Corinne has been saying "Marjane" wrong for several weeks now, so we actually don't know anything except that The Wedding is a very solid book from the backlist that you should definitely check out.

This week we read The Wedding by Dorothy West. For a short novel, it’s a remarkably comprehensive history of both sides of a family in the lead up to a daughter’s wedding in 1950. It tackles both race and class in a very thoughtful way and from a perspective that we don’t often see from novels about black families.

Becca pronounces "chagrin" wrong, and Corinne has been saying "Marjane" wrong for several weeks now, so we actually don't know anything except that The Wedding is a very solid book from the backlist that you should definitely check out.

Also Oprah made it into a TV Miniseries in the late 90’s and it had Halle Berry in it. You can watch the whole thing on YouTube, but I’m more interested in watching a trailer or commercial or something, because I’m very nostalgic for commercials. Unfortunately I can’t find one, so here’s the DVD cover.


Next week we'll be reading Persepolis I & II by Marjane (don't worry Corinne has it figured out now) Satrapi so you should, too.

Episode 39.5 - Persepolis I & II

Episode 39.5 - Persepolis I & II

Episode 38 - The Transit of Venus

Episode 38 - The Transit of Venus